
I would like to share the charm of Ishikari with many people and the heart.

Amiche International Co., Ltd. / Ms.Akemi Ito ●1-57-1,  Hanakawa-kita 6-jo, Ishikari City ●TEL:0133-74-3823 *Interviewed in July ,2021

I would like to share the charm of Ishikari with many people and the heart.

I have lived in Ishikari City for 15 years. When I was working as an interpreter guide, I started the tourism industry by wanting many people to know the gusset where I live and this beautiful Ishikari City.。 The company name Amiche International is a playful addition to Mr. Ito’s name, and another word, Amiche, means “female friend (plural)” in Italian. Ms. Ito says, “It is something that cannot be done without cooperation with local people and friends, and we would like to liven up Ishikari City together with everyone.” We asked about the content and thoughts of the project.

It was regrettable that it was not possible to come to Ishikari.

———please tell us about the history and business of the  company establishment.

Ito: As an interpreter guide, I had many opportunities to be a tour guide for people from overseas inside and outside Hokkaido, but I was sorry that foreigners visiting Japan could not come to Japan at all, even though there are many attractions in Ishikari City where I live. Therefore, I wanted more foreigners to come by providing an experience program that makes use of the charm of the local area. My husband, who is currently the president, is engaged in tourism-related businesses such as construction, I am in the travel industry, and interpreting guidance. As for the tourism business, recruitment type planned trips (unique bus tours around the local area, etc.), order-type planned trips (create and arrange trips according to the wishes of companies and individuals upon request), arranged travel, landing type sightseeing (outdoor, craft, Japanese culture experience programs), overseas customer attendants as interpreter guides, We plan and sell souvenirs using postcards of Ishikari scenery and images of Ishikari.

Nature, food culture and history are full of charm!

———What is the charm of Ishikari City ?

Ito For example, landscapes are not one, but diverse. There are many attractive scenery such as the sea, rivers, mountains, and forests, and the expressions reflected in each of the four seasons are also different. I am also very interested in valuable ecosystems such as beach plants and wild birds. Agriculture and fishing are thriving, so you can feel the richness of food culture, with all the fields and seas delicious. And Ishikari has been open since ancient times with salmon and shin fishing ports, and it is a point to be proud that there are many historical things such as shrines and temples. For example, Ishikari Bentensha is one of the oldest shrines in Hokkaido with a history of more than 300 years, and it is also a cultural property designated by the city. Exploring the Burari culture will allow you to encounter such a history. I’m not yet well-known, so I’m looking forward to getting known more and more. I think Ishikari City still has room to grow.

The old and the new coexist.

——— I would like many people to come to Ishikari City, which is full of charm like this.

Ito Among the outdoor menus we are developing is “Ishikari beach snowshoe experience”, which is a snowshoeing program that can walk about 5 km on the snow cover for about 3 hours in winter around “Hamanasu hill park” where hamanasu blooms in summer, but I do not think that there is a snowshoe program that can walk on the coast and riverbanks. The highlights are different and unique sights, such as the glass-like ice along the riverbank, the perkyness hanging on the driftwoods of the coast, and the monster-like appearance. In addition to various tours, we also offer experience programs such as outdoor activities, Japanese culture, handcrafts, etc. Ishikari City has a rich nature and culture that has not changed since ancient times, and on the other hand, there are fashionable spots such as farm cafes. I think that the charm of Ishikari is that the old and the new coexist in nature. I am full of the feeling that I want many people to know the wonderfulness of Ishikari City.

Application for “Ishikari Beach Snowshoe Experience”, contact Website: TEL:0133-74-3823
